Below you will find the current roster for the 2022 JAMM CLASSIC.
Please look it over and let and let me know if there are any changes that need to be made. If your current roster is not complete, please let me know who we need to add. If there are any spelling errors, let me know so we can get those corrected.
Please send that information to John Walford. You can contact him in the following ways:
Phone/text: 402.870.0417–Please include who is sending message
A couple of other items we would like to share at this time:
- Due to the size of the event, we can only have 3 carts per 2 teams per hole. Having a single in a cart is probably not an option this year. Our first priority is to make sure participants have access to carts.
- To avoid congestion in the pro shop, if you wish to pay prior to the event, we will be accepting entry fees starting on Tuesday, July 5. You may take care of this will Bill in the pro shop.
- Reminder that the event starts at 10:00.
- Amy Wenstrom is now in charge of the weather for the event. She has assured us that we will have wonderful weather on July 9 for everyone to enjoy!!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the contacts listed above.
We look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.